Five winners of Filmaporto Grants are announced

For the third year running, Filmaporto will fund five projects produced entirely in the city of Porto. Coroa de Espinhos, by Francisco Moura Relvas, porto2000, by Matilde Camacho, and Amigos para sempre, by Maria Trigo Teixeira, will receive Neves Grants, while Éramos só putos, by João Nunes Monteiro, and À mesa, by Mariana Bártolo, will receive Pascaud Grants.

Coroa de Espinhos, directed by Francisco Moura Relvas (produced by Ana Meleiro), reflects on the growth of property speculation; porto2000, by Matilde Camacho (Animais AVPL), is a sensorial journey through a fictitious city designed according to the recollections of those who were children in Porto at the start of the new millennium; and Amigos para sempre, by Maria Trigo Teixeira (AIM Creative Studios), is a bold project about “a MAN who no longer remembers his pre-DOG life”. Meanwhile, Éramos só putos, by João Nunes Monteiro (Omaja), is an autobiographical film about an event in the life of a queer teenager in Porto; while À mesa, by Mariana Bártolo (Foi Bonita a Festa), is an experimental documentary about how the place we occupy at mealtimes reflects power dynamics in society.

The funding of 20,000 euros per project was attributed following a competition judged by Filipe Melo (filmmaker, musician and graphic novelist), João Gonzalez (filmmaker, animator, illustrator and musician) and Leonor Teles (filmmaker).

This annual funding programme aims to drive the development of films produced entirely in Porto and provide opportunities for businesses and technical workers connected to the city’s audiovisual sector. The competition contains two sections targeted at different candidates based on location. Neves Grants are open to artists, directors and producers who live in Porto, while Pascaud Grants are open to artists, directors and producers living outside the municipal area. In both sections, 60% of the crew must have been living in Porto for at least two years. The rules of the competition, which was open between 29 May and 23 June 2023, can be consulted online ( (Ata 1, Ata 2, Ata 3, Ata 4).